Throttle Alerts in AlphaX

AlphaX throttle regulates actions from alerts, preventing repetition and nuisance alarms. This guide explains configuring throttle settings for optimal control and efficient execution.

Throttle View

Throttle events in AlphaX are used to control the frequency of actions triggered by alert conditions, preventing repetitive alerts and ensuring that actions are not executed too frequently. This guide explains how to configure throttle settings effectively.

Throttle Settings

  1.  Throttle Active
    •  Purpose: Enables throttling to limit the number of times an action is triggered within a specified time period.
    •  Example: Ensuring an action is not triggered more than once every 24 hours.
  2.  Limit 1 Action Per
    •  Purpose: Defines the time interval during which only one action can be triggered.
    •  Example: Setting the interval to 24 hours means that once an action is triggered, no further actions will be triggered for the next 24 hours, regardless of how many times the alert condition is met.

Example Configuration

Scenario: Limiting Notification Frequency

  •  Throttle Active: Enabled
  •  Limit 1 Action Per: 24 hours

Steps to Implement

  1.  Enable Throttle
    •  Check the box next to Throttle Active to activate throttling for the selected action.
  2.  Set the Throttle Interval
    •  Enter 24 in the Limit 1 Action Per field.
    •  Select Hours from the dropdown menu to set the interval to 24 hours.

Use Case Scenarios

  1.  Preventing Alert Fatigue
    • Avoid overwhelming users with too many notifications by limiting the frequency of alerts.
    •  Example: If a sensor frequently reports a minor issue, throttling ensures users receive only one notification per day, reducing annoyance and focusing attention on significant issues.
  2.  System Stability
    • Protect system resources by preventing actions from being executed too frequently.
    •  Example: Limiting the number of times a control command is sent to a device, ensuring it is not overloaded with repeated commands.
  3.  Resource Management
    • Efficiently manage resources by controlling the frequency of actions that might consume bandwidth or processing power.
    •  Example: Limiting HTTP requests to external systems to avoid excessive API calls.


By configuring throttle settings in AlphaX, you can effectively manage the frequency of actions triggered by alert conditions, ensuring that notifications and commands are executed at appropriate intervals. This helps to prevent alert fatigue, protect system stability, and manage resources efficiently. Adjust the throttle settings based on your specific.